Monday, February 6, 2012

Barometric Pressure Headache

Do you suffer from barometric pressure and headaches? What in the world is that? Well when the clouds roll in and the pressure drops, you know what I mean! Your head begins throbbing as the day goes on. Unfortunately, when this happens, many people think they are getting a sinus headaches. Sadly,this usually isn't the case. What you are really getting is migraine. The throbbing can be on one side or the other or even both! Up to 40% of all migraines are centered around the forehead and nose which is why you think you are getting "sinus".

Just about any migraine sufferer can tell you when the pressure is dropping or when the humidity is high, as a migraine will hit pretty soon. At the present time, scientists are not quite sure as to why this happens. ('s not the full moon!) A couple of theories have been put forth. One neurologist posed that changes in the barometric pressure could cause small pressure changes in the fluid in your brain. This could set off those migraine receptors in the brainstem.

Migraine Treatment Natural

Several years ago, at an APA (American Psychiatric Association) meeting, Dr.Mindlin of Jefferson Medical College thought perhaps this type of migraine was due to dilation of blood vessels caused by pressure changes. This idea is a bit complex, as the vessels dilate during a migraine no matter what the cause. The basic theory here is that the barometric receptors in the brain (which regulate blood pressure when you stand up and change position) might also be affected by atmospheric pressure changes. As the pressure drops, perhaps these receptors are activated and cause vasodilation in the head and therefore, headaches.

None of this has been proven yet, but those of us with migraines are getting to the point where we can predict the weather almost as good as the arthritis patients!!

How Do We Manage Barometric Migraine?

There are a few ways you can manage headaches caused by pressure changes.

1. If you are taking daily medication, like anti-seizure medications, you could consider increasing the dose slightly when the weatherman says the pressure will change. By going up one dose for a few days, and then coming back down, this may blunt the oncoming headache.

2. Increase your magnesium intake. I advise patients to go up by 200-400 mg per day during this time.This too might help blunt the headaches during this time.

3. At the onset of the headache, take your medication as fast as you can. If you are taking triptans (like Imitrex), add Naprosyn or Aleve to the mix. These drugs have a longer mode of action and may stay in your system long enough for the weather to blow over!

4. Exercise! By doing aerobic exercise you raise seratonin and endorphins which may blunt the headache. Besides if the weather is bad and you can't go outside, might as well do something productive.

Hopefully one of these suggestions will ease your migraine, and will help you to have more headache free days.

Barometric Pressure Headache

Migraine Treatment Natural

How to Massage Migraine Headaches

Massage, a common method of relieving migraine headaches, can be done by a professional - or you can do it yourself using this technique.

A light massage combined with migraine pressure points will give you the greatest relief. You need only a few simple points about how to massage a migraine headache.

Migraine Treatment Natural

Migraine Pressure Point Defined

It is important to learn the migraine pressure point or points that bring relief. A migraine pressure point is a point on your body that, when pressed, will lessen the pain in your head. Surprisingly, a migraine pressure point is not necessarily the point that hurts most.

A migraine pressure point may be pressed and released in slow, rhythmical fashion, and deliberately massaged to gain relief. This will release congested energy and blood from the head and ease your pain.

Migraine Pressure Point Technique

You will be treating each migraine pressure point with these simple steps.

* Use only the pads of your thumbs or first two fingers - never the ends.

* Keep the pressure light to moderate, depending on how sensitive the point is to your touch.

* Press hard enough so you can feel hardness or tension under your thumb or fingers.

* If a migraine pressure point hurts so much that you can't take a deep breath, apply less pressure on that point.

* Let your fingers sink into the migraine pressure point as you apply pressure gradually. Feel your thumb or finger going gently, gradually deeper and deeper.

* While your thumb or finger is as deep as you want to go, massage the point with tiny, circular movements of your finger.

* Keep your thumb or finger on the migraine pressure point until you feel a movement or change there. It may feel softer or warmer.

* Now slowly, gradually release the migraine pressure point until your thumb or finger leaves the skin.

* Repeat several times at same point.

Migraine Pressure Point Locations

Remember to be firm, but gentle. Insufficient pressure on a migraine pressure point will not be effective - too much pressure will create tension in your surrounding muscles.

Here are a few migraine pressure point locations to get you started. Start with the first, and work your way through each point, consciously relaxing as you do so.

1. Migraine Pressure Point at Base of Skull

Locate the bony base of your skull in back. Place your thumb pads under the skull's base, each thumb about 1 inch from your spinal column. Holding your thumbs against the two points, tilt your head back slightly. Now press upward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions of the thumbs, still holding the pressure. When you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 again. Repeat 5 times.

2. Migraine Pressure Point at Mid-Forehead

This migraine pressure point is located at the middle of your forehead, right between your eyebrows. Using the migraine pressure point technique described above, and your thumbs or one of the first two fingers, press inward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.

3. Migraine Pressure Point at Eye Corners

Feel the face at the outer corners of your eyes. Move your fingers away from the eyes until you find the spots just behind the bone. Using the migraine pressure point technique and one or two finger pads, apply pressure gradually inward, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.

4. Migraine Pressure Point on Hand

Surprisingly, you have a migraine pressure point on each hand. It's the fleshy part between your thumb and index finger. Using the thumb pad and index finger of your opposite hand, gradually squeeze the upper portion of this migraine pressure point, counting to 10 and breathing deeply. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 as you do so. Repeat 10 times.

5. Migraine Pressure Point on Foot

The last point you will use to massage migraine headaches away is located on the top of each foot. Locate the place where the bones come together between your big toe and your second toe. With thumb or finger pads, press downward gradually, counting to 10, and breathing deeply as you do so. When you reach the deepest point, massage with tiny, circular motions, still holding the pressure. As you feel a change in the point, slowly release the pressure, counting to 10 again. Repeat 10 times.

Different bodies respond differently to pressure points. These should work for you. If you want information on additional migraine pressure points, ask a local shiatsu professional. A professional will also be able to give you a complete treatment for relief or prevention of migraine headaches.

How to Massage Migraine Headaches

Migraine Treatment Natural

3 Natural Cures For A Migraine Headache

Only a migraine sufferer understands the pain. Regardless of how the migraine starts the end result is the same - excruciating pain that renders you helpless. Walking hurts, breathing hurts. Even thinking hurts.

People often discount migraines without any true understanding of the suffering a migraine can inflict. They treat migraine sufferers like hypochondriacs or drama queens. This is simply not so. There are any number of painkillers and pills available to help curb the pain. The issue here is that many of these painkillers require repeat prescriptions and involve an ongoing cost. The other side effect of many of the prescribed medicines is that they can help with the pain of the migraine headache itself but tend to have a "knockout" effect on the sufferer.

Migraine Treatment Natural

Most migraine sufferers will be familiar with the "where did the day go?" effect of many of the stronger painkillers. There are natural remedies to the migraine plague. They're simple and cheap (if not free). None of these are to replace prescribed medication but can be used in conjunction with your medication to bring relief about faster. They also complement each other.

Dark Room

If you suffer from migraine headaches and an attack begins then find the quietest, darkest spot in your home and lay down there. The area or should also be relatively warm to allow you to relax faster. Your eyes should remain covered but open. This usually means using some sort of blindfold but a scarf, long handkerchief or other material works just fine. Keep your eyes open as much as possible because experience has shown that shutting your eyes to try and cope with the pain uses extra facial and jaw muscles that can just increase the problem and not cure it.

If an attack has already begun then follow the same routine and take whatever prescribed medication you have.

Relaxed Breathing

A migraine attack generally brings on a sort of anxiety attack in the sufferer. They know how much it's going to hurt so their heart rate increases. This increase in blood flow makes the problem worse. Once you've retreated to the quiet, dark area and covered your eyes from any possible stimuli then breathing is the next area to focus on. You must let your breathing relax. Panicked breathing will increase the pain you're already experiencing.

To allow your breathing to relax follow these steps:

1. Take a long slow deep breath and exhale equally slowly.

2. Again take a long, slow deep breath. As you're slowly inhaling focus on the sensation of the air filling your lungs. Feel the air filling your body. Once you've inhaled as much as is comfortable again exhale slowly. As you're exhaling focus on the sensation of the air leaving your lungs and escaping through your mouth. Breathe out completely.

3. Repeat the process of inhaling slowly, focusing on the sensation of the air filling your lungs and exhaling slowly 4 or 5 more times.

4. By the fourth repetition you should notice that your breathing is far more relaxed and calm. Your heart rate should now also have lowered back to a resting rate and you may even feel slightly sleepy. If so embrace that feeling and allow yourself to fall asleep.

Lavender Oil

This is the final step in the process. Lavender oil is renowned for its medicinal properties and this is doubly so for migraine headaches. Lavender oil is cheap and completely safe to use. Only use pure Lavender oil for treating migraines - lavender scented fragrances or scented oils are useless. It must be the purest lavender oil you can find.

If you feel a migraine attack coming then grab your lavender oil. Place a single drop of pure, undiluted lavender oil on each temple or behind each ear. Also place 2 or 3 drops of undiluted lavender oil on the pillow you're going to rest on.

Combined with a quiet, dark room and the deep breathing technique the lavender oil provides that final "punch" in the natural treatments. The scent of the oil will relax you and simply inhaling lavender infused air helps to ease the pain of a migraine almost immediately.

3 Natural Cures For A Migraine Headache

Migraine Treatment Natural

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Natural Remedies For Hangovers

You've gone out with friends or family. You have had a little to much fun plus a few too many alcoholic beverages. The next morning you realize whoa too much, and now your head is pounding and you are willing to try anything to stop the miserable pain and nausea you are feeling. You're dealing with that dreaded hangover.

Common sense tells you that the best way to prevent a hangover is, of course, drinking in moderation or abstaining from alcohol all together. But keeping yourself well hydrated and nourished while you're drinking can help you with minimizing those terrible morning-after symptoms. If you try drinking a glass of water or other noncaffeinated beverage for each alcoholic beverage you drink. And definately don't drink on an empty stomach. Food helps slow the absorption of alcohol, giving your body time to metabolize it and get rid of the toxins found in alcohol, decreasing the chances of that hangover.

Migraine Treatment Natural


Also known as (bifidum) is a helpful bacteria that inhabits the large intestines, and keeps nasty bacterteria at bay. It manufactures B vitamins, helping the bowels stay regular. But it has another very helpful property, it detoxifies acetaldehyde, a digestive by product of alcohol consumption that is theorized to cause most of the sym,toms of that hangover. The levels of acetaldehyde is greatly reduced when a person takes bifudus after a night of heavy drinking.
The recommended product is Bifido Factor from Natren. Just mix one teaspoon in 8 ounces of water and drink it before bedtime or as your regular nightcap.


bananas are a great pickmeup! While you were drunk and peeing after every beer or alcoholic beverage, your body was passing lots of potassium drained from your body during urination or sweating. Eating a banana loaded with potassium wil give your body a great boost. All you have to do is peel and eat another natural remedie for hagovers.


Thiamin and vitamin B help the liver clear itself of acetaldehyde, reducing the symptoms of a hangover. If possible try taking one high potency B vitamin supplement, such as a B-50, before going out and drinking.


Ginger has long been used to treat nausea and seasickness. And, since having a hangover is much like being seasick, this easy to use remedy works wonders. If you're really green, the best bet is to drink ginger ale (no preparation required). If you can remain vertical for ten minutes, brew some ginger tea. Cut 10 to 12 slices of fresh ginger root and combine with 4 cups water. Boil for ten minutes. Strain and add the juice of 1 orange, the juice of 1/2 lemon, and 1/2 cup honey.


Milk thistle is a herb that is believed to protect liver cells from alcohol by preventing the toxins from entering the cells plus helping to remove those toxins already there. Two 20 milligram capsules with a meal prior to or while drinking. Use a product that is standardized to 70 to 80 percent silymarin, which is the therapeutic of the herb.


(replenish the fluids and sugars lost when drinking alcohol)

Honey and Lemon. The classic hot drink (nonalcoholic, of course) is honey, lemon, and hot water. Easy to swallow, this beverage replenishes fluids and sugars lost to a hangover. It is important, of course, to use honey instead of white sugar. Honey contains fructose, which competes for the metabolism of alcohol. This healthy competition is needed, since it prevents the rapid change in alcohol levels that results in headaches. Plain sugar contains sucrose, which isn't absorbed by the body as quickly. To make the hot drink, boil 1 cup water and mix in honey and lemon juice to taste. Enjoy and drink several times a day.

Rice, Soup, or Toast. Food is probably the last thing you want to look at while recovering, but you do need some substance for energy. Stay with clear liquids until you can tolerate something solid. Then start off slowly with mild, easy-to-digest foods such as plain toast, rice, or clear soup.

Sports drinks. These are a good way to replace the fluids as well as electrolytes and glucose your body lost while drinking.


Juices, especially freshly squeezed orange juice, will help raise your blood sugar levels and help ease some of your hangover symptoms. However, if your stomach is upset, skip acidic juices such as orange juice and try good old apple juice instead it works just as good.


Next to time itself, drinking lots water is the best natural remedie for a hangover. Dehydration causes some nasty effects on your body and causes much of the discomfort associated with that dreaded hangover. Stick to water, be it tap, bottled, or carbonated. Drink more than 8 glasses a day while recovering.

More Do's and Don'ts for natural remedies for your hangover:

*If you, a friend or loved one can remember one thing while intoxicated, remember this, drink lots of water before going to bed. It will help eliminate dehydration, and you'll feel much better in the morning.

*Stick to 1 drink or less per hour, and try to drink it slowly. One hour is about the time it takes for the average adult body to process an alcoholic beverage. One drink is a 5-ounce glass of wine, a 12-ounce beer, or 1.5 ounce of hard liquor.

*Rest. Pull the shades down, unplug the telephone, and go to sleep.
Never drink and drive.

*Try Pepto-Bismol or an antacid to relieve queasiness and settle your stomach.

*Take a multivitamin with B vitamins to replace those nutriants lost during your night of partying.

These all natural remedies for hangovers should help get you back on your feet after a night of over indulgence. With a little tender loving care, you should be all better in no time feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Natural Remedies For Hangovers

Migraine Treatment Natural

How to Cure a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Becoming pregnant is one of the most important times in a woman's life. Unfortunately it is during pregnancy that women are the most prone to contracting a yeast infection. Although a candida infection will not harm your baby, it is a very uncomfortable experience for the mom-to-be.

When you are pregnant, the body goes through many hormonal changes and your body may have trouble keeping up with them, especially in the vaginal environment because of increased sugar content in vaginal secretions. The yeast will feed on the sugar and grow, causing an imbalance of too much yeast and therefore an infection.

Migraine Treatment Natural

If left untreated you can pass the fungus to your baby's mouth during delivery. An oral yeast infection, more commonly known as "thrush", can be treated with the prescription-only Nyastatin within 7 to 10 days. But why would you want to risk passing on a painful yeast infection to your newborn baby when you can cure it before that happens?

Doctors will often prescribe vaginal cremes and suppositories if you have a yeast infection during pregnancy. However what doctors won't tell you is that there is a popular ingredient in these treatments called boric acid, which is also used in rat and roach extermination and can be harmful to the body. The oral medication, Diflucan, has not been proven safe during pregnancy and lactation.

A yeast infection occurs naturally in the human body and therefore must be dealt with naturally. But before you go on the internet looking for natural remedies, you have to be careful because there are natural treatments out there that will actually do more harm than good, especially while you are pregnant.

Apple cider vinegar, garlic and certain yogurts can prove beneficial yeast infection treatment methods but you would need to use these items on a regular basis to see any results and even then you are only weakening the candida infection - it will come back sooner or later.

A natural remedy that you should be cautious of is olive leaf extract. Although this is a powerful detox, it will actually cause more harm than good because when the olive leaf extract kills bacteria faster than normal you will not only put a strain on your kidneys and liver because of the increased demand of filtering out the extra toxins, you also run the risk of contracting "Herxheimer's Reaction" - Fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, and skin lesions due to all the dead bacteria in your system. Needless to say, this method is not recommended, especially during pregnancy.

How to Cure a Yeast Infection During Pregnancy

Migraine Treatment Natural

Natural Cure For Sinus Infection

Sinus infections can be painful and uncomfortable. Antibiotics are usually prescribed to treat sinus infections but they are not the recommended long term solutions. I suffer from sinusitis and found that natural sinus remedies work best for me.

Here are some you can try.

Migraine Treatment Natural

First, drink plenty of water and other liquids. Mucous can thicken but keeping hydrated can help to thin the mucous. Drink water, tea or other clear beverages.

Stay away from dairy products. Some doctors believe that dairy products, including milk, cheese and even ice cream, may actually cause more mucous to form. Try avoiding these products when you have a sinus infection.

Try to treat a cold as soon as you get it. Lingering colds may make conditions right for a sinus infection. Use zinc supplements to help shorten the life of a cold and get plenty of rest.

Eat foods that are rich in antioxidants. These foods include berries, broccoli, tomatoes, garlic, red grapes and spinach that help to boost the immune system and may prevent sinus infections.

Try a steam treatment for your sinuses. Sinus infections can occur when mucous becomes thick and won't drain properly. Steam can help keep mucous loose and moving through the sinuses.

Apply moist heat to the face to keep sinuses open. There are some heat packs available that can be warmed up easily in the microwave and held on the face as needed.

Apply a cold compress to the forehead and sinus areas relieve a sinus headache. The coolness will help shrink the membranes and provide relief from sinus headache pain. For best results apply as soon as the headache starts.

Take vitamin supplements to ensure your body is getting the proper nutrients daily. Potassium supplements will help dry up mucous.

Add apple cider vinegar to your facial steam. You can also drink it diluted in water to help a sinus infection that is just starting. Some people report great results using this holistic cure for sinus infection.

Use herbal remedies for a sinus infection. Herbal cures have been used for centuries and are safer and more effective than traditional medicines. Use eucalyptus or peppermint extract as an inhalant to clear sinus cavities. Either one can be added to a steam.

To sleep better during bouts of sinus attack, drink a cup of tea before bed. Chamomile tea is particularly useful for calming the body and mind before bedtime.

Try sinus irrigation. This is done using nasal irrigator that puts warm water into the sinuses. It can be found at most health food stores. Follow the directions on the box.

Learn the signs of an impending sinus infection and take precautions to prevent it from becoming worse. A stuffy nose that won't seem to clear is a signal that mucous is thickening and is not moving. If left alone it may turn into a sinus infection.

Talk to a holistic doctor or herbalist to get advice on treating specific sinus problem. There are many natural remedies to help fight a sinus infection without the use of prescription medication.

Keep the use of drug medications to a minimum. They may have long-term negative effects on the body and tend to lose their effectiveness if taken too frequently. You may have to try several of the above-mentioned remedies to find the natural cure for your sinus infection.

Natural Cure For Sinus Infection

Migraine Treatment Natural

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Migraine Headaches Without Aspirin

Migraine headaches can be debilitating. They are by far the best astringent headaches you can have. A cephalalgia generally starts with ablaze acuteness and is sometimes accompanied by abhorrence or vomiting. The astringent cephalalgia will activate anon afterwards these affection accept started. Over the adverse medications such as aspirin may do little to advice affluence the pain. accustomed cephalalgia remedies can finer abate the astringent affliction after the ancillary furnishings of drugs.

As anon as you feel the aboriginal affection of a cephalalgia attack, alcohol a caffeinated beverage. While caffeine has been anticipation to activate a migraine, already it starts the caffeine will absolutely advice by aperture up attenuated claret vessels. accomplish abiding you alcohol affluence baptize for the continuance of the headache. Even balmy aridity can aggravate cephalalgia symptoms.

Migraine Treatment Natural

A balmy battery or ablution may advice at the access of the symptoms. If you are not Able to booty a shower, try putting a air-conditioned abbreviate on your head. Sit agilely in a blurred room. This will advice affluence ablaze or babble acuteness as able-bodied as nausea. A face beating can affluence the cephalalgia affliction and activate claret circulation. A balmy bottom absorb is additionally acceptable for claret circulation.

Some herbal remedies are accepted to anticipate or affluence a cephalalgia headache. Dried herbs can be acclimated to accomplish teas or tinctures. Herbal extracts are almighty and charge to be adulterated afore use. Capsules appear in abounding herbal combinations and are readily accessible at best accustomed or bloom aliment stores.

Feverfew - Feverfew contains substances that arrest the absolution of affection hormones in the brain. For best results, use beginning feverfew. When this is not available, absorb as tea or in abridged form.

Bay - There accept been some doctors who acclaim demography feverfew with bay to anticipate a cephalalgia headache. You can generally acquisition a aggregate of these herbs at best bloom aliment stores.

Ginger - Ginger has continued been accepted to abate and anticipate headaches. It is an anti-inflammatory and has substances that advice abate pain. booty in abridged form, according to directions.

Peppermint - Taken internally or acclimated externally, peppermint can advice to abate a cephalalgia headache. To booty internally, alcohol peppermint tea. To use externally, mix several drops of peppermint oil with balm or anatomy oil and beating into the temples.

In adjustment to anticipate a migraine, you charge to analyze what causes it. abounding foods can activate an attack. These accommodate cheese, chocolate, aureate and caffeine. If you allow in one of these foods and acquaintance a cephalalgia advance 24 hours later, the aliment is best acceptable a cephalalgia trigger. Other triggers accommodate stress, changes in sleeping patterns, hormonal changes and changes in altitude.

Natural cephalalgia remedies can advice abate the breadth and severity of a cephalalgia headache. Not all accustomed cephalalgia cures assignment for everyone, so try assorted remedies until you acquisition the ones that assignment best for you. Finally, apprentice to ascendancy the triggers to abstain accepting a migraine.

How To Get Rid Of Migraine Headaches Without Aspirin

Migraine Treatment Natural